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Everything You Need to Know About Golf Equipment

Golf is a wonderful game, ane that combines skill, esprit and decorum, all while enjoying the warmth and deep green dazzler of the neat outdoors. However, if yous are a novice golfer, perhaps someone who is just now learning about the game and how to play golf, yous may have some questions regarding certain aspects of the sport? If this accurately describes you, or you need a refresher, then the following article may prove very enlightening and useful to you lot. Here we will highlight and define almost everything you demand to know almost this great game, including the general rules of golf; the proper etiquette to follow while playing; the equipment you volition demand while out on the course, and the full general purpose behind each slice of gear. Nosotros will also talk most golf scoring; the deviation betwixt match play and stroke play; and provide some helpful information about golf handicap—what it is and how to calculate it.

The Rules of Golf

How to Go on Score in Golf

How to Play Golf
Golf Score Card

If you have e'er watched golf game on television, yous have no uncertainty heard the announcers use terms like birdie, bogey, par and eagle (fifty-fifty "boundness" if you lot are lucky). And while these terms may atomic number 82 you lot to believe that golf has its own secret linguistic communication, forth with a scoring organization that is intricate and complex, nothing could be farther from the truth. Why exercise we say that? Because golf game, also as being a not bad game, is too an incredibly simple one, particularly when it comes to scoring.

Unlike most other major sports, where the highest score wins, in golf the aim is to achieve the lowest score possible. The object of golf is to go the ball from that initial teed-up position into the hole in the fewest number of strokes (hits) possible. From the moment you tee your ball up on the get-go hole, each time you striking the brawl counts as a stroke. So, when you coil your brawl into the cup on that first hole, tally up all the strokes you used to achieve that goal—that is your score for hole number one. From there, you will only repeat that process for the remaining 17 holes, writing downwardly the number of strokes you used on each pigsty into the corresponding spot on your scorecard. For instance, if it took y'all 5 strokes to get the ball into the cup on the first pigsty, and 7 strokes to achieve that goal on the 2nd pigsty, your score afterward 2 holes would be 12. At the terminate of the round, you merely add up the strokes you recorded for each of the 18 holes—that is your terminal score. Unproblematic, right?

Scoring Relative to Par

Golf scores, either on a item pigsty or the overall circular, are often expressed relative to par or in relation to par. Par is the number of swings or strokes that an skillful golfer is expected to require on a given pigsty or on the course as a whole.

If the "par" on hole number ane is 5, and you score a 6, your score is now 1-over par. If your total number of strokes on the next hole is 3, and the "par" for that hole is listed as par-4, y'all are now at "even par."

Like the individual holes, golf courses also have a "par." For case, if a golf game course is listed as a Par-72, an expert golfer is expected to play the entire form in 72 strokes. If you play on a Par-72 golf course, and your cumulative number of strokes is 96, your score would be expressed equally 24-over par, or +24.

Golf Lingo and Scoring

Going back to that secret linguistic communication we talked virtually at the onset of this section, the game of golf has certain nicknames for a score that ane achieves on a particular hole. Shooting 1-over par on a hole is called a bogey (two over is a double bogey, etc.), while shooting one-nether par is chosen a birdie. An eagle is a score of 2-nether par, and the rare albatross is achieved when a golfer scores 3-nether par on a hole. These names will become second nature the more you play.

How Many Clubs Are (Should Be) in a Golf Purse

How Many Clubs In A Bag
Golf Clubs. Source HeronPoint

Agreement the number of clubs y'all are permitted to carry in your pocketbook is crucial, as having as well many clubs in your bag could result in penalties during tournament play. The governing torso of golf game, the United States Golf game Association (USGA), states that a thespian is allowed to bear no more than than 14 clubs in the bag. Therefore, if y'all purchase a standard fix of 12 golf clubs, with three forest (driver, 3-woods, and v-wood), eight irons (three-9 iron and pitching wedge) and a putter, you are allowed to add 2 more clubs to the bag—no more.

Tee Markers

Tee Marker
How to Play Golf. Source Candiaoaks

The "tee areas" on a golf course, commonly known every bit the tee boxes, are where each player starts the diverse holes. The area is named after the golf game aides of the aforementioned name (tee), which are used to elevate the ball slightly off the ground earlier striking information technology.

The boundaries on each tee box are delineated past tee markers, one to the left and 1 to the right. Golfers must tee-upwardly their ball between and (at least slightly) behind these markers.

On nearly golf game courses, there are usually several sets of tee markers, with each set painted a different color. Municipal courses, for case, typically take three sets of tee markers, colored blueish, white and ruby-red. Here is what those colors bespeak:

  • Blueish Tee Markers. Typically used in men's tournaments and by male golfers with low handicaps, the bluish tee markers are the furthest markers from the hole (on most municipal courses).
  • White Tee Markers. The white tee markers denote where nigh mid to high-handicap male person golfers volition start the hole.
  • Carmine Tee Markers. Crimson tee markers are where most women golfers will showtime from.

In country clubs and championship golf courses, at that place are also other colors that may exist used in the tee boxes, such as black or gold (used for championship play past expert professional and amateur golfers), light-green (where inferior players start from), and gilt or xanthous (for senior golfers).

Lost Golf Ball or Out of Bounds

How to Play Golf
Lost Golf Ball

Covered under rule 27-i of the USGA rule volume are the penalties that will be enforced should your ball be hit out of bounds or if you lose your ball and cannot observe it within five minutes of the time yous outset hit it. Under part B and C of that rule, the rule book states the following for each situation:

  • Ball out of bounds. "If a ball is out of bounds, the thespian must play a ball, under penalty of ane stroke, as nearly equally possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played." In other words, you are penalized one stroke and you must hit the brawl once again—from the same place in which yous initially started.
  • Ball Lost and Not Found within Five Minutes. The aforementioned holds true for this dominion, every bit the rule volume clearly says: "If a ball is lost as a result of not being institute or identified every bit his by the player within five minutes after the role player'south side or his or their caddies take begun to search for it, the player must play a ball, under penalty of ane stroke, as near as possible at the spot from which the original ball was terminal played."

Touching the Ball

Can't touch your ball
Tin can't affect your ball

If the brawl is on the putting green, you are immune to selection up that golf brawl after placing a marker straight behind information technology. Even so, from a general standpoint, this is the only instance in which touching the ball on the golf course is permitted.

Equally the erstwhile proverb in golf goes, "yous must play it where it lies," and touching your golf game ball while out on the grade is simply not allowed (in about instances). For example, y'all cannot pick upwards your ball to make clean it while it is on the fairway, and you cannot improve your lie by moving it even a piddling bit in any direction.

At that place are a few exceptions to this rule that you will larn every bit you lot get along, merely the rule of pollex is this: except when your ball is on the putting green, yous must not touch it or yous will incur a i stroke penalty for that infraction.

Golf Etiquette

how to play golf
Golf Etiquette

Golf is a game of manners; a gentleman's game—or at least information technology is supposed to exist. Thus, when you hear the term golf etiquette information technology is referring to a sure way you are supposed to act when out on the grade, even though these actions are not specifically required under the USGA rule book. Beneath we accept covered just a few of the general rules of golf etiquette that take been followed for centuries.

Avoid Slow Play

Golf is a popular sport, with lots of players typically sharing the same course. Golf course employees normally endeavor to space golfers out by giving them "tee-times"—a time at which the golfers in a particular grouping (unremarkably a foursome) volition tee off on the first hole. These tee-times are spaced out by roughly 10 minutes, simply if you take too long on whatever one hole—such equally looking for a lost ball for more than v minutes—y'all are not only delaying your own foursome, but the grouping behind you too (and so on). Hence, attempt to keep information technology moving when out on the golf course and then that everyone can enjoy the course as.

Maintaining the Course

Taking intendance of the golf grade as you play is just common courtesy. Doing so will ensure that the players behind you can enjoy the same great conditions you were afforded while playing that hole. To maintain the course as you play, you should do all of the post-obit:

  • Supersede your divots on the fairway. When striking a ball from the fairway, you will undoubtedly take a chunk of sod with you. This should be replaced as best you tin before moving on.
  • Set up your divots on the light-green. When your brawl lands on the light-green, it may leave an impression in the short-cutting grass. Fortunately, there are very affordable tools you tin purchase in any Pro Shop that will allow you to speedily gear up these minor divots and keep the green rolling smoothly.
  • Rake the Sand Trap. If y'all are hitting a ball from a sand trap, make sure that you and then rake that sand trap before moving on to your next shot.
  • Proceed Carts on the Cart Path. Fairways are non intended to withstand the weight of heavy golf game carts—carts that can leave divots and cause the grass to be ripped out. Instead of driving to your next shot on the fairway, park the golf cart on the cement cart path as near as you can to your ball and then walk to it.

Yelling "Fore"

Yelling "Fore" is golf's version of maxim "heads upward." If y'all strike a ball on the grade, and y'all fearfulness that ball may hit or come shut to some other golfer, you lot should E'er yell "Fore" while the ball is in the air, giving golfers up ahead of you the take chances to have cover. Chances are your ball volition non striking another golfer (although it has happened), just if your ball comes close to another golfer, and yous neglect to yell "Fore," you are bound to stir up some much-deserved acrimony in the golfers ahead of you.

Golf Putting

In that location are a few golf etiquette rules to follow when putting on the greenish with other golfers. Here is a quick breakup of those rules:

  • Farthest away hits first. The role player who is furthest abroad from the hole when on the green is the get-go to putt. Should the ball not go in, that golfer should (usually) then marking his ball and wait for his adjacent plow.
  • Avoid other golfer's lines. You lot should NEVER stride in another player's "line." The line is defined every bit the path betwixt that golfer's ball and the hole. Shoe or fasten imprints on that line could potentially modify the path of that golfer'south putt, causing him to miss.
  • Quiet. This applies throughout the class, simply especially on the dark-green. When some other actor is putting, yous should refrain from talking or making any other noises that could distract the golfer.
  • Hats Off, Milkshake Hands. On the concluding dark-green of the course, and subsequently each player has completed their terminal putt, all players should remove their hats/caps before shaking hands.

Golf Equipment

If you are going to play golf, you are going to need a few key pieces of equipment at minimum, including golf clubs; a golf pocketbook (of some type) in which to carry those clubs; golf shoes; and, of form, golf balls. Permit's take a closer expect at each of these items:

Golf Clubs

how to play golf
Standard Golf game Equipment

In that location are many different types of golf clubs, each with a specialized purpose or purposes. These clubs, which will assistance yous successfully navigate the golf game course, include the driver, fairway forest, irons, wedges, hybrid clubs, and a putter.


Ordinarily the longest club in your handbag with the largest club head, the driver tin exist fabricated from a variety of materials (graphite, fiberglass, woods). Today's drivers are very sturdy and durable, all the same also very lightweight. They are used past golfers typically at the onset of each longer-yardage hole—holes that play to a par-four or par-v ranking—to hit the brawl off the tee, merely they can besides be used on the fairway. Drivers have a loft angle that can range from 4 degrees to 20 degrees, although the average driver loft is betwixt ix and fifteen degrees. A qualified salesperson can help make up one's mind which loft is near suited to y'all based on your swing mechanics and the club head speed y'all generate.

Fairway Woods

As the proper name suggests, fairway forest are "driver shaped" clubs that are generally used on the fairway to advance the brawl towards the pigsty. Some golfers may also use these clubs on the tee box if the yardage justifies it. Fairway woods come in many different sizes (3-woods, v-woods, vii-wood, 9-woods, etc.). As a beginner, we recommend you continue a minimum of two fairway woods in your handbag—the 3-woods and 5-wood—in addition to a driver. A three-woods has a loft angle that ranges from 12-17 degrees; while a v-wood has a loft of xx-23 degrees in virtually cases. Generally speaking, golf balls hit with fairway woods travel longer than they do with irons, only have less distance than the driver.


While the irons in a standard golf set up may all expect the same, each has a different loft angle. Equally a beginner, we recommend you bear 7 of these irons in your handbag—the iii-atomic number 26 through the 9-atomic number 26. Higher numbered irons, like the three-iron, four-iron, and 5-iron, volition enable y'all to hit the ball with more altitude than you would the lower irons, because the loft angle on these clubs is lower. Here is a look at each of these clubs with the respective average loft angle: 3-atomic number 26—fifteen degrees; 4-iron—20 degrees; v-iron—25 degrees; 6-iron—30 degrees; 7-iron—35 degrees, 8-iron—twoscore degrees and nine-iron—45 degrees.


There are many different types of wedges, with the 2 well-nigh common types beingness the pitching wedge and sand wedge. The pitching wedge is a very versatile club, one that can be used for brusk approach shots, chipping around the green and pitching out of troubled areas to improve your lie. These wedges typically have a loft angle between 45 and 54 degrees. The sand wedge, which can also be used for the aforementioned purposes as a pitching wedge, is primarily designed to hit balls out of greenside sand traps. These clubs take an open face design, a loft bending of about 56 degrees, and a wider sole than other clubs, which allows them to cutting through the sand more hands. Other types of wedges include the gap wedge—wedges with a loft angle of 50-54 degrees that assist fill up the "gap" between the pitching wedge and the sand wedge; and the lob wedge—the steepest of the wedges with a loft angle of about threescore degrees or more.


As their name suggests, hybrid clubs are utility clubs that are substantially a cross between a fairway wood and a long atomic number 26, sharing similarities with each type of club. Many golfers have gone to hybrid style clubs for their ability to launch the ball into the air similar an atomic number 26, while also having the ability to cover the long altitude of a fairway forest.


Putters are used on the green (and sometimes but off the putting surface) to roll the brawl into the pigsty. Appropriately nicknamed the "flat stick," a doodle has no loft whatsoever. These clubs come in a variety of shapes, sizes and styles. Nosotros recommend you lot endeavour out several of these styles before making a final decision on the putter for your pocketbook.

Golf Numberless

how to play golf
Different types of golf game numberless

Golf bags are essential for toting your clubs, golf balls and any other equipment you will demand on the course. And equally with golf clubs, in that location are many different types of golf bags from which to choose. Once y'all decide on the type of golfing you plan to practice (walking, riding in a cart, etc.), yous tin can so decide on a bag that best suits your purposes. Here is a quick look at iv different types of golf numberless:

Staff Bags

The "Cadillac" of all golf numberless is the staff bag. Staff bags are the types of bags used past professionals on the tour. They ordinarily sport a very prominent logo, are very roomy and spacious, and certainly palatial. Even so, staff bags too tend to be very heavy and cumbersome. This is probably why those professionals pay for someone else (caddie) to carry the pocketbook for them.

Cart Numberless

Cart bags, as you might guess from the title, are numberless designed to be carried on a golf riding cart or golf push cart. Usually weighing about 6-7 pounds, they are much lighter than your average staff purse, while nevertheless boasting more than enough capacity for your clubs and gear. Cart numberless are designed in such a style that they requite golfers quick and easy access to all the handbag's pockets and compartments while it is strapped to the back of a cart.

Stand up Numberless

Stand numberless are unique in that they have two retractable legs. These legs enable the bag to stand completely on its own, either upright or slightly tilted, in which its 2 legs extend out further to stabilize the bag while providing easy access to any club. When the pocketbook is lifted, the legs retract and lay snug against the bag for piece of cake carrying. A favorite amidst golfers who adopt to walk the class, stand up bags are very easy on a golfer'due south back—golfers who would otherwise accept to lay the handbag down each fourth dimension he/she took a shot.

Carry Bags

Acquit numberless are similar stand bags without the extra hardware. Nicknamed "Sunday Bags," these types of numberless are designed to be carried on the form. They have the reward of being the lightest bags in the industry, weighing just 2-3 pounds when empty, and they are also the most affordable golf game bags on the marketplace, making them perfect for beginners.

Golf Shoes

how to play golf
Unlike types of golf shoes

In that location are 2 main types of golf shoes available for wear on the course: spiked golf shoes and spikeless golf shoes.

Spiked Golf Shoes

Spiked Golf Shoes are those that feature actual cleats on the outsole (lesser) of the shoe. Once made of metal, today these cleats are mostly made of soft plastic to avoid damage to greens and fairways. Spiked golf shoes usually offer a chip more lateral stability overall than practise the spikeless styles of shoes, specially on hilly courses and in wet conditions.

Spikeless Golf game Shoes

Spikeless Golf Shoes are those that feature a flat outsole (bottom) with rubber studs or dimples in identify of spikes. Causing no marks or holes in the green, spikeless golf shoes are usually a bit more comfortable than their spiked counterparts, but you may cede some stability in the conditions mentioned above.

Golf Balls

how to play golf
Golf Balls

Golf assurance are not yet—at to the lowest degree not anymore. To help you become more familiar with these piffling marvels, below we will talk a lilliputian about a golf game ball's construction, compression and spin.


Golf game balls tin can be constructed with simply a single slice of fabric or many layers of materials that overlap to offer added distance, spin and control for golfers.

  • One-piece golf assurance are typically made from a solid slice of Surlyn with dimples molded into the ball. Today, these inexpensive balls are generally used by beginners and at driving ranges only.
  • Two-slice golf balls are the hardest balls on the marketplace and thus comprehend the most altitude. In these assurance, the solid inner core is fabricated of high-free energy acrylate or resin and is covered by a tough, split-proof outer roofing.
  • Three-piece balls have either a safe or liquid core, followed past a layer of enhanced safety and finally a molded embrace of durable Surlyn or Urethane. Softer than the two-piece ball, these balls offering more spin and command.
  • 4-piece and five-piece golf balls have several layers, each with a different purpose (distance, spin, command, etc.). These are the about expensive golf assurance on the marketplace


When you hear the give-and-take pinch with regard to golf game assurance they are talking about the deflection a ball experiences when information technology is struck past the golf gild. Pinch is measured using numbers between 0 and 200, with 0 being a ball that compresses 5 mm or i/five of an inch; and 200 being a ball that does not compress at all. When shopping for golf balls, but remember that lower compression balls tend to be softer and compress more to create more distance. College pinch assurance offer more than control and are used by more experienced players who can produce faster swing speeds to compress the ball.


In addition to their pinch, golf game balls are also rated for their spin. Depression-spin golf assurance enable the ball to fly straight, and while they may lack some distance through the air, you tin wait more roll after they country on the fairway.

Mid-spin golf balls endeavor to incorporate elements of both depression-spin and high-spin technology to offer a mix of distance and control; while high-spin golf balls tend to travel further in the air but may lack whorl upon landing. High-spin golf balls also offer experienced golfers much more command effectually the green.

Golf Handicap

One of the very attractive aspects of the game of golf—ane not seen in other major sports—is its ability to create fifty-fifty and fair matches between golfers of different ability levels. This is made possible through the process or system known as "golf handicap." Officially termed the Handicap Index by the U.s.a. Golf game Clan, golf handicap is a organisation that can level the playing field for golfers of different skill levels, thus eliminating the one-sided "blowouts" that frequently occur in other sports.

What Is Golf game Handicap

More often than not speaking, a golf handicap is a number, based on earlier rounds of golf played, that indicates how many shots over par a golfer is expected to shoot. For instance, if a golfer is playing a par-72 golf grade, and has a handicap of 20, he/she is expected to take roughly 20 more than strokes (92) than the indicated par.

In a competition, if that same player (with a 20-handicap) really shoots a 91 (xix strokes over par) on that par-72 golf course, he would then subtract 20 strokes (the handicap) from that score, giving him an adjusted score of 71—or ane-nether par for the round.

To empathise how the handicap system levels the playing field, let's assume that our twenty-handicap golfer was playing confronting a player with a 7-handicap. While our twenty-handicap golfer was shooting a 91 for an adjusted score of 71 after adding in the handicap; our 7-handicap golfer actually takes 79 strokes to complete the course, giving him an adjusted score of 72—or even par. Every bit y'all can run across, even though our vii-handicap golfer took far fewer strokes to complete the golf game class, he still lost past a stroke to the other golfer when both scores were adapted for handicap.

How to Calculate Golf Handicap

As a beginner, the best way to calculate your golf handicap is to join the USGA and go an official USGA Handicap Index. In doing then, yous volition non have to worry about calculating your golf game index, as this (fairly difficult) calculation will exist washed for you by other people (or most likely, by a computer) .

To get started in establishing your golf handicap index, you volition need to play at least 5 and upwardly to twenty rounds of golf game, and salvage the scorecards for each circular indicating the bodily number of strokes you took in each of those rounds.

At most golf courses, there is a reckoner located in or around the pro shop where you can enter the score yous accomplished at that class and follow the prompts given to y'all by the figurer. Keep to follow these steps at each form at which you play and before long y'all volition have established a recognized golf handicap—1 you can use as a criterion for continued improvement.

Golf game Formats: Stroke Play vs. Match Play

As yous go more experienced in the game of golf game, you lot may have occasion to play in tournaments and competitions. These events are usually based around one of ii types of golf formats: stroke play and match play. Below we volition depict each of these formats in more than detail.

Stroke Play

Stroke Play
Stroke Play. Source Golfweek

A stroke play tournament or contest is the format with which most golf fans and new golfers are most familiar. If you lot recollect the department "How to Score Golf game," you already understand the concept of stroke play.

The most basic form of golf, stroke play is the format in which the golfer with the lowest score later the competition wins the prize. In stroke play, each golfer keeps a record of how many strokes he/she took on each hole. When all eighteen holes have been played by all the golfers on the course, each participant adds up the total strokes they took during that round and compares that number against that achieved by the other golfers in the contest. The golfer with the lowest cumulative score is the 1st place winner, the golfer with the second-lowest number of strokes places 2nd, and so on.

In some tournaments, such as those played past golfers on professional tours, multiple rounds volition be played. However, this does not change the scoring format. The golfer with the lowest score subsequently the 2, 3 or four rounds of golf is declared the winner.

Should 2 golfers tie for first place in a tournament, there is typically some type of playoff format to make up one's mind the ultimate winner. In some of these playoffs, golfers will merely play individual holes until ane golfer scores lower on that hole than the other golfer. For example, golfers may offset play the 18th hole—if one golfer shoots 1-under par (birdie) and the other shoots fifty-fifty par, the golfer who shot the baboon is deemed the champion. If they necktie on that hole, they would play another pigsty (so on) until one golfer is victorious.

Another type of playoff, although rarely used, involves the playing of an entire circular of golf game (18 holes), with the golfer shooting the everyman score alleged the winner.

Friction match Play

Match PLay
Friction match Play. Source Tucson Sentinel

Much as the name implies, match play golf "matches" two opponents against each other. In these types of tournaments, golfers are matched up confronting one another in a tournament subclass format, and they must face off circular by circular against each other until there is only one champion remaining. Whereas almost major tournaments on professional tours use stroke play, which are won by shooting lower scores than the rest of the field, the individual rounds in friction match play are won by shooting lower than your particular opponent.

The rules for friction match play golf game are fairly simple: Get a better score than your opponent on a item hole, and y'all win a betoken for that hole. If you both have the same score on a hole, no points are awarded to either golfer. At the finish of the round, the golfer with the nigh points wins and advances in the tournament. One of the main advantages of a lucifer play tournament is it tin can move along faster than stroke play due to the flexibility in the rules.

One of these flexible rules is the notion of conceding. If your opponent is closer than you are and is within anxiety of the pigsty—a distance at which he volition well-nigh certainly sink the putt—you tin can concede him the shot without it having to be taken. In the same way, your opponent tin can concede the hole and the point to you if he or she feels the hole cannot be won. If at any time one golfer is alee by more than points than there are holes remaining, the match is over. For instance, if one golfer is 7 points ahead of his opponent, and there are only six holes left to play, there is no reason to continue whatever further.

Match play is unique in that it forces players to compete to win individual holes, as the golfer with the nigh holes won is the winner of the lucifer. This means your strategy can be more aggressive for each hole. For instance, instead of using a stroke to go your ball into a more favorable position for the next shot, golfers ofttimes take more risks in order to defeat their opponent and win the pigsty.


As y'all tin can encounter there is many details to the game of golf. Nevertheless, we tried to condense it down into ane simple guide, and so you can spend less fourth dimension reading and more fourth dimension playing. Now that y'all have the foundation, it's time for y'all to get out on the course and enjoy this beautiful game.



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